Monday, May 10, 2010

You, bee.

I dont want you to go, but I want to leave you.
I want you to suffer, but I want to please you.
I want you to want me, but I want to play hard.
I want you to chase when I look like running,
You know the fact that I am still here, waiting.
I want you to hold me tight and treat me right,
You know what I really like, right?
Give me billion of hugs, Ill pay you with a smug.
I want you to be in my game,
so this circle will never end.

Bring me the joy, so the memories will stay.
And this love will never go awayy, <3

But B.,
Years passed by, love will die.
Time is precious, yours nor my.
The school, the friends and the foes,
when they come and go,
I still stay because I know;
We were so in love, and love is so.

After quite a while then I can see,
you're changing me, what I used to be,
when I was once falling for you.
yet bee, you were different too,
now I can see it in you.

but I am not ready to leave;
so just let the game lead.
Let the winners made right,
shud the love live ,or die tonight.